Email templates.

Encourage employees and your wider community to support you using our email templates. Just add the details of when you’ll be CEO Selling where shown, and you can add an image to your email signature.

How to gain support by email:

1. Make the subject line:
Support me in CEO Selling for The Big Issue.

2. Copy this text into the body of your email:


This coming February, I’ll be taking a stand against homelessness by donning the famous fluorescent vest and ‘CEO Selling’ The Big Issue magazines.

Support me and my vendor mentor by buying a copy, and help us raise $100,000 for The Big Issue vendors:

Time: <00am/pm>
Date: <Day> <Date> February 2015
Location: Outside <Company>
Vendor mentor: <Firstname>

Thank you for supporting me and marginalised Australians working to better themselves.

Learn more about CEO Selling, part of International Street Paper Vendor Week – a global program of events aiming to challenge the perceptions of homelessness:
